In Spring 2015, the Board of Trustees of Pro Arte Chorale authorized the Chorale to implement a High School Outreach Program. Under this Program, Pro Arte will dedicate its March programming to a collaboration with a high school to be identified each year. We would select the program, and then our Maestro would work with the HS music director to review the music and agree as to program order, dynamic and other markings, and so forth, and each of the choruses would practice the music separately, then join together for one or two rehearsals, and then perform the program both in our venue in Ridgewood and at the high school.
In March 2016, we did our first HS collaboration, with Newark Arts High School’s chorus, under the direction of Dr. Jerry Forderhase. Newark Arts is a magnet school which is part of the public school system in Newark, NJ, with a very diverse student body. The program was the Golden Age of Broadway and included music from South Pacific, Carousel, West Side Story and Porgy and Bess. We performed the concert to a large audience of about 500 in Ridgewood, under the direction of our Maestro, and then performed the same program two weeks later in the auditorium at Newark Arts HS. The Newark Arts choir included 45 singers, largely African American and Latino. It was an unforgettable experience for the Newark Arts choir students, who benefited from the opportunity to prepare the program and then perform it with a mature and experienced concert choir under the baton of a professional choral conductor.
The experience of this first collaboration has demonstrated to Pro Arte the value of the program we have adopted, and we are very much looking forward to the next one. We are working with a local HS teacher to identify possible high schools in our area, for purposes of collaborating on future programs.
2009-2010 Scholarship Winners Rachel Chung, Ashley Moon and Beata Safari
This award enables High School Seniors to gain invaluable experience by singing classic repertoire in concert with members of the Pro Arte Chorale. Up to four High School Seniors will receive a $250 award presented upon completion of concert, free membership into the Chorale, free music as needed for concerts and two complimentary tickets to the concert performance. Attendance at rehearsals is mandatory, as is attendance at the dress rehearsal. Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings from 7:30 – 10:00 pm at West Side Presbyterian Church, Ridgewood, NJ. Those auditioning should:
be a High School Senior that is active in music
be a current member of a choral ensemble in school
be able to attend weekly Monday evening rehearsals from 7:30 – 10:00 pm in Ridgewood
be willing to perform in at least 1 concert
be able to provide a letter of recommendation
be able to perform an audition piece that reflects their vocal talent and strengths.
Students will be asked to sing warm-up scales and vocalises, and will be presented with short sight-singing and ear training exercises. We will provide an accompanist for the audition. Please contact our office for an application (email: or call 201-497-8400). Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and should be submitted to our office with a letter of recommendation