The Pro Arte Chorale holds auditions several times per year and are held in Ridgewood, NJ. We have openings in all voice parts. Please call the office, 201-497-8400 or email us at, for more information or to schedule an appointment.
During the brief auditions, singers are tested for range, reading ability, tone quality, as well as the ability to identify and duplicate pitches and rhythms. Foreign language pronunciation a plus.
The Pro Arte Chorale rehearses on Monday evenings from 7:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Ridgewood, NJ. Additional rehearsals may be scheduled during a performance week. Members are asked to make a contribution of $225 per year (reduced to $150 for early payment, and $100 for all singers under 30), and purchase their own music. Ladies concert attire is our designated choir blouse with a floor-length black skirt and men wear a black tuxedo, black cummerbund and black bow tie.